Monday 5 January 2009

3.1 (continuity exercise)

Kwame, Finella and I began filming our media coursework, taking into consideration the 180 degree rule. We filmed a conversation between mine and Kwame's character, we did this across a table and had the camera positioned for an over the shoulder shot, so we had each characters perspective.
We used the microphone on the camera at first to pick up any sound, but found the quality of the sound wasn't great, so we decided to use an external microphone. 

I found this exercise helpful as it enabled us to see the different ways we could capture a shot. We also came across problems whilst filming, fixing these small problems helped us get a greater understanding of how to use the camera.

1 comment:

Ms Flavell said...

Good comments on your filming, recording your development. You are also required to edit for this exercise, and must discuss what you learnt during the editing process here too.