Thursday 7 May 2009


We were asked to develop an opening sequence to a film, we were put into groups and had to come up with a genre and storyboard for our sequence. Kwame, Finella and I chose comedy almost parody genre, we analyzed two films The Incredibles and Mr and Mrs Smith, we chose elements from both films to create ours. We used the concept of a relationship from Mr and Mrs Smith and the superhero comic theme from The incredibles. Our target audience was young people, possible teenagers, as i feel this genre and type of film would be found most appealing to them.

Within our opening sequence we tried to represent two students with a difference, they were superhero's this added the comic factor.

Overall our opening sequence didn't turn out as well as we expected, i think this was due to the lack of places we were able to film in and possibly our ideas were unrealistic and un-practical. As we showed our target audience our opening sequence many of the responses were positive with many finding it funny and entertaining, yet these were younger teenagers mostly below 15 years old, i think this feedback helped us define a smaller range of target audiences.

Whilst filming and editing our sequence i learnt alot more about Final cut pro, before i knew the basics of how to edit, but after developing our opening sequence i knew how to put our piece together and edit to a higher standard.

I also learnt how to put together a call sheet a schedule, the schedule especially helped our group
to manage our time, as one member of the group didn't attend our sixth form fully.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Production Problems


We found it hard to follow the storyboard with the screen shots and also the script.

Production Successes.

We managed to finish the script which meant we were able to focus on finalising the storyboards and our schedule.

Editing was another strong point in our group and our techniques for editing grew stronger as we progressed through 

Tuesday 10 February 2009

3.3 Plot

Mr and Mrs Myth.

Student couple with supernatural powers, news breaks about off a bank robbery in their community this causes them to help. They run out of the school onto the main street by this time there in their costumes and fully transformed into their alter ego. 

Their super ego's: super strength, super fast.
Blacked out with a distinctive certain colour on their faces.

Monday 26 January 2009

Analysing the opening sequence - The incredibles

In the opening sequence of The Incredibles it has the title 'The Incredibles' in a bold red font, this moves back then the camera zooms into the title until you see the image of a police siren. The music emphasis the super hero theme and makes it more dramatic.
As the title is so bold is shows the importance of it, and as it's in plural it tells the audience there is more than one, hinting to the audience that there will be a family involved in the film.

After the title has shown it goes on to show the audience what Mr. Incredible's job, and powers are, it also shows that he is a hero fighting crime and not a villain.

The animation is quite dark, with the emphasis colour on Mr. Incredible's costume, the shape of the body is also quite exaggerated making the animation itself quite comical.

I think i would like to use some aspects from The Incredibles, although not animation, i liked the use of the swooping/ zooming in of the title in the opening credits.

Monday 5 January 2009

3.1 (continuity exercise)

Kwame, Finella and I began filming our media coursework, taking into consideration the 180 degree rule. We filmed a conversation between mine and Kwame's character, we did this across a table and had the camera positioned for an over the shoulder shot, so we had each characters perspective.
We used the microphone on the camera at first to pick up any sound, but found the quality of the sound wasn't great, so we decided to use an external microphone. 

I found this exercise helpful as it enabled us to see the different ways we could capture a shot. We also came across problems whilst filming, fixing these small problems helped us get a greater understanding of how to use the camera.