Monday 17 November 2008

BBC Lighting Workshop

Last week Friday my As Media class visited the BBC for a lighting workshop, within this workshop we spoke to two directors, one of which focused on lighting, the other was Shelly Love. We saw some examples of their work; such as music videos and documentaries.
After this we were involved in a short lighting workshop, within this workshop we looked at different types of lights and how they might be used. We also looked at different coloured gels, and how they can create a different atmosphere when used.

Just before lunch we got into small groups and chose a different scenario to work on, my group was Me, Adam, Maya and Kwame we chose to create a story about Alien Abduction, we made a storyboard and also listed the story line chronologically.
When we got onto the filming, we helped set up the lighting and set, we used a light and gel which looked like a street light.    

1 comment:

Ms Flavell said...

It was just starting to get interesting! Concentrate on what you learned, your strengths and weaknesses, rather than recounting everything you did. You are aiming to develop your ideas through writing this.