Monday 1 December 2008

BBC lighting Workshop PART 2

On Thursday the 27th we were invited to the BBC 21cc for the second time, in this session we had to edit the footage we created last time, and also create an interview scenario with passers by at the BBC and also edit this.

First of all we went outside with a camera and microphone and asked people if anything weird had happened to them today, we followed this question by asking them if they believed in aliens.
We then took all the footage we had back to the computer suit, Adam and I edited the interviews using final cut pro, making them shorter and more relevant, whilst Maya and Kwame edited the short film we made about an Alien abduction.

All members of the class' work was put together, and made into a news broadcast.

Monday 17 November 2008

BBC Lighting Workshop

Last week Friday my As Media class visited the BBC for a lighting workshop, within this workshop we spoke to two directors, one of which focused on lighting, the other was Shelly Love. We saw some examples of their work; such as music videos and documentaries.
After this we were involved in a short lighting workshop, within this workshop we looked at different types of lights and how they might be used. We also looked at different coloured gels, and how they can create a different atmosphere when used.

Just before lunch we got into small groups and chose a different scenario to work on, my group was Me, Adam, Maya and Kwame we chose to create a story about Alien Abduction, we made a storyboard and also listed the story line chronologically.
When we got onto the filming, we helped set up the lighting and set, we used a light and gel which looked like a street light.    

Monday 3 November 2008

Five shot sequence

The five shot sequence included me and my group filming someone receiving their exam results, some of the shots we used were mid to close ups, these enabled us to show the emotions on the persons face. We also used camera movements like pans to show how the person moved from one point to the other.
I think at one point we had an over the shoulder shot, showing the boy's shoulder looking down onto the piece of paper with the results on it.

The Rule of Third

The rule of third is where the frame is split into 9 boxes, and the most important object within the shot would be around the centre.


Tuesday 14 October 2008