Thursday 7 May 2009


We were asked to develop an opening sequence to a film, we were put into groups and had to come up with a genre and storyboard for our sequence. Kwame, Finella and I chose comedy almost parody genre, we analyzed two films The Incredibles and Mr and Mrs Smith, we chose elements from both films to create ours. We used the concept of a relationship from Mr and Mrs Smith and the superhero comic theme from The incredibles. Our target audience was young people, possible teenagers, as i feel this genre and type of film would be found most appealing to them.

Within our opening sequence we tried to represent two students with a difference, they were superhero's this added the comic factor.

Overall our opening sequence didn't turn out as well as we expected, i think this was due to the lack of places we were able to film in and possibly our ideas were unrealistic and un-practical. As we showed our target audience our opening sequence many of the responses were positive with many finding it funny and entertaining, yet these were younger teenagers mostly below 15 years old, i think this feedback helped us define a smaller range of target audiences.

Whilst filming and editing our sequence i learnt alot more about Final cut pro, before i knew the basics of how to edit, but after developing our opening sequence i knew how to put our piece together and edit to a higher standard.

I also learnt how to put together a call sheet a schedule, the schedule especially helped our group
to manage our time, as one member of the group didn't attend our sixth form fully.